\ Soul Catchup | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Sunday, January 26th, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Soul Catchup

During our recent trip to Spain, my friend and fellow coach Susan Baghdadi was telling me the story of an Australian Aborigine who, after his first ever car trip, felt the need to sit down on the ground.  When asked why, he said “I am waiting for my soul to catch up.”

I’m sure all of us have experienced those moments when life is flying by us so quickly and the emails, errands, meetings and other stimuli transport us way too quickly through our days.  After returning from our recent retreat, I’m finding “re-entry” into the routine of my “normal” life a bit difficult, waiting for my soul to catch up to the usual pace of my days.

One of the many lessons I learned out on the Camino was to slow down and just notice the four elements:  Fire, Air, Earth and Water.  To notice the sounds, smell the smells, etc.  It did me a world of good.

To be honest, I’m not that excited about catching up to the old pace I set for myself.   I think it’s time to set up new ground rules for my day, creating some sacred time for just being in nature.  Our friend Michael Trotta teaches the practice of “sit spot,” marking each day by sitting outdoors for a few silent moments, just being present.  Sounds like a fine way to ensure that our souls never have to play catchup again.  I’m in…how ’bout you?


He's got the right idea

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