\ Christina's Favorites | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Saturday, October 26th, 2024 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Latest Blog Posts

Love Always Wins

February had a lot of us thinking about love. Some of it was that “hearts and flowers” stuff, prompted by the serious marketing of card and candy manufacturers. I’m not talking about romance, though. I’m talking about the love that happens in relationships – grown-up, real relationships. Starting with the relationship you have with yourself. […]

Statistics vs. Experience

I could tell you that I’ve walked 19.5km on day 1, 16 km on day 2 and 19 km today, but I’d only be sharing a fraction of the experience. We get so focused on the numbers and stats.  What’s your income?  How much do you weigh?  What’s your GPA?    We focus on the easily […]

One Step at a Time

My friend and fellow coach, Susan Baghdadi, and I are planning a “Re-treat” in Spain, which promises to be a transformative experience.  When we first discussed creating an adventure re-treat (as Susan calls it), I had something less physical in mind than walking 100 km.  I came up with a lot of excuses for why […]

Oprah Winfrey has “aha moments.”  I have “Duh Moments.”  The Duh Moment occurs when you slap yourself upside the head and say “duh,” because you’re either reminded of something you already knew, or it’s painfully obvious to the average person and you’re just late to the party.   The past month’s Duh Moments were a […]

All You Need Is Love

Since I believe that variety truly does lead to a “spicy” life, I came up with three Words of the Year. Word #2 is Love. Eve Ensler said “Consider what would happen if security were not the point of our existence. That we find freedom, aliveness and power not from what contains, locates or protects […]

Six Word Resolution

I was listening to NPR the other day and was reminded about the web site and book by Smith Magazine, Six Word Memoirs, that created the six-word story-telling phenomenon.   The host asked listeners to describe your goals for the new year in six words.   So, I did: Dreams unleashed, obstacles overcome, hilarity ensued. Now, […]

Good Grief, Now What?

I’ve spent a lot of time talking to both clients and friends about grief.  If you were to ask them for one word to sum up our chats, I doubt they’d use that one, but it’s truly the best way to describe the process they’re going through. Grief is a funny thing.  (Funny “strange,” not […]

Feeling Lucky?

I’m one of those people who always seems to have what I call “good luck within my bad luck.”  I’ve run out of gas (within five feet of a gas station).  I have flat tires (in my driveway).  Recently, my car’s transmission died (in my garage).  When I picked the repaired car up on a […]

A few days ago, I went to a friend’s funeral.  He died in one of those  accidents that changes lives in an instant.  40 years old, a father of two teenagers, and someone with an incredible zest for life.  This was a guy with motorcycles, a plane, and a thirst for speed.  He was also […]

Who Are Your People?

It’s an old question, often asked when trying to learn more about someone’s ancestors.  Although not often heard in that context any longer, the question is relevant in another one:  your team, your supporters, your raving fans, your posse.  Call ’em what you want, but they’re the folks you surround yourself with, and who hopefully […]