\ chris | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Latest Blog Posts

Finding Home

I spend lots of time talking with people about what their best lives would look like. On the surface they’re searching for things like a new career, or a new home, or a new relationship. Some want to write a book or build a new company. Others want to volunteer for a worthy non-profit. Many […]

Ancient Friends in Disguise

I’ve been thinking about the term “frenemy” lately.  Urban Dictionary defines this as “an enemy disguised as a friend.” I’ll bet that you can think of at least one person in your world who fits this profile. Maybe you’ve cast them out, deciding that their two-faced, evil selves have no place in your circle, and […]

Hi everyone. My name is Christina and I’m a “getting it right” addict. I’ve written far fewer newsletters this past year because the drafts didn’t feel good enough to share with you. I’ve been putting off the re-launch of my Walking With Your Divine Self website for almost a year. I’ve let a few (okay, […]

Walking With Metaphors

I’m drawn to labyrinths in a big way. Like, seriously big.  I’ve designed and installed three and have plans to do more.  I’ve even painted one (with the help of patient friends) on a portable canvas so I can use it indoors at workshops.  I look for them when I travel.  Someone told me it’s […]

There are lots of ways to start a new year… making resolutions coming up with a word of the year dieting and exercise setting flying wish paper on fire looking for a message in the first song you hear on the radio on 1/1 (deep, I know!) I think “resolution” feels too much like a Big Commitment […]

What the Hell?

You haven’t heard from me in quite a while. Months, in fact. I’ve been busy. Sold my condo in CT, put my stuff in PODS and lived with my mother for six weeks. Bought a house in NC, got my stuff back, and spent the last month emptying boxes. Things still aren’t finished, but the […]

The Three R’s

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately engaged in two practices: designing, building and walking labyrinths, and Sit Spot/Inner Tracking.  Both involve time outdoors, which is always a good thing. My friend Michael Trotta, and amazing coach and teacher, has been schooling me in the art of “Sit Spot,” sitting outdoors for 30 minutes a day, rain […]

Declare a Do-Over

January brings a lot of chatter about goals, resolutions, plans, and fresh starts.  February’s coming to an end, and maybe we’re not feeling quite so “fresh” about those starts.  Poet Rainer Maria Rilke says:  “And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never […]

A friend and I recently chatted about the difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers.  It’s an important distinction. Peacekeepers are those who maintain the status quo.  The image of United Nations forces in blue, wearing body armor and holding rifles, comes to mind.  There’s an irony there.  They’ll use force if they have to, just to […]

Letting Go

Two weeks ago, I found myself on a plane to Montreal.  Not what I thought I’d be doing that day, I’d changed my plans to be with one of my oldest and dearest friends.  Her mom was in the last days of her life after a long bout with cancer.  Emotionally and energetically tapped out, […]