\ Products & Freebies | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Here are a variety of options to help you make what’s next what matters in your life and career:

eWorkbook – Job Search 2.0: Making “What’s Next?” What Matters ™

Avoid overwhelm and keep yourself on track with a practical, 41-page workbook that walks you through the process of an effective job search— from evaluating your options to negotiating your salary.  Packed with information, the workbook includes suggested action steps, resources such as books and websites, useful skills and values assessments, sample resumes, and more.

Topics covered:

  • Taking Stock – inventories and assessments for getting clear on who you are and what you have to offer
  • Writing a Resume – make your resume stand out from the crowd, plus several sample resumes and links to sites with many more
  • Social Media – how to use it effectively for job search, and where to find good resources on the subject
  • Networking – do’s and don’ts of productive networking
  • Reinvention – tips for starting a business, changing careers and weighing options
  • Salary Negotiations – resources to determine what the market’s paying, and tips on how to negotiate effectively
  • Staying on Track – tips and tools for motivation during your search

User Feedback – “This workbook is a ‘coach-in-a-book.’ My clients are clearer about their career goals and getting jobs they love!” – Joy Curtis, Coach and HR Consultant

Investment: $20

Upon receipt of payment, the workbook will be emailed to you.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator © (MBTI)

The MBTI has been used in practical applications for more than 60 years and is considered the most widely used assessment in the world for understanding individual differences.  If you’d like to learn more about your Type, I can help.  As a certified administrator/interpreter of the MBTI, I provide an online link for you to take the inventory.  Once your results are in, we use a coaching session to talk about how to interpret them, as well as the implications for your career, relationships and/or future plans.

Investment:  $199

My Newsletter

Sign up for my monthly newsletter (using the signup box on the bottom of this page, and join the “New Subscribers” list) to receive four content-rich messages, once a week for four weeks, with information to help you get started on your path toward “what’s next” in your life and career.


Reader Feedback – “Chris’s e-newsletter is one of the few I receive that I actually open each month. She has a sixth sense, writing on topics just as they are surfacing with me. She offers helpful information; links to articles or books with more information; or just a way to laugh at myself.” – Meg Tocantins

Blog Talk Radio: Tips for Finding Your Ideal Career

Listen in as I talk with Blog Talk Radio host and fellow master coach Marquita Thompson about finding your ideal career.

Click here to listen to the recording.

Your Self, Your Career:  Taking Stock

Most job seekers don’t spend enough time taking stock of their skills, interests and strengths.  They’re in a rush to get the resume written, network and set up interviews.  By doing so, they may have missed important clues about the best options for what’s next in their career.  This event was part of the Fairfield Library’s Jobs 2009 program.

To listen to the podcast, click here.