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I’m writing this in the living room of the house in which I grew up. Having temporarily moved in to help my mother with post-surgery rehab, I find myself revisiting old summertime rituals. If you’ve been following me on Facebook lately, you know I’ve bought a hula hoop, run through a sprinkler, hung laundry on […]
My client (we’ll call her Nancy) was paralyzed by a question that so many of us get stuck on when we’re trying to incorporate our passions into our lives: How will I know when this is happening? We want so badly to quantify and measure the progress of creating our right lives and careers, naming […]
It’s time for the Joy Dieters book group to work on Chapter Four of The Joy Diet, by Martha Beck.. This week’s topic is CREATIVITY. Martha writes: “Even if you never go near the arts, you are creating away like mad every single day, working in the medium of experience itself. Actions, objects, words, gestures […]
When I start working with a new client, I ask them to dedicate a notebook or journal for our work together. We often create homework assignments that they’ll do between sessions, and some involve working with their journals. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this sentence: “But I hate journaling.” I’m always […]