\ Raves | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Saturday, February 15th, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Here’s what people have to say…

“Chris Brandt is what they call a “quiet storm,” a source of subtle but intense energy. When you feel that energy working on your behalf, you’ll be amazed how much easier it is to face your obstacles, overcome your fears, and build a life that works. Chris will connect with the real dreams that live under your usual mental chatter. Then she’ll help you sweep away the misconceptions that have kept those dreams from being realized. Finally, she’ll be your most enthusiastic advisor and supporter as you turn vision into reality. Her authenticity and empathy will open avenues to your innate knowledge of your own best destiny, and she’ll stick with you until that destiny is realized.”
Martha Beck, Ph.D., author of Finding Your Own North Star and monthly columnist for O: The Oprah Magazine

“To be frank, I was slightly skeptical of life coaching when I first signed up.  It seemed too ‘New Age-y’ for someone like myself who is analytical and results oriented.  It is NOT.  My work with Chris has been nothing if not pragmatic, incredibly helpful, and self affirming.  Chris has continually provided me with warmth and support, internal and external resources, and an incredibly positive energy that has transformed my beliefs.  Chris is an individual whose ability to transform a person’s muddled thoughts into a well lit path is extraordinary.  She has helped me in my transformation move from ‘I don’t like my job, what do I do?’ to ‘I think I figured out what I want from my career!’  In my six months with her, we have worked on a number of problems both personal and professional; and Chris has been an incredible help to me.  The way Chris works on a problem, either personal or professional, is a step by step approach which includes working through a person’s own emotions every step of the way.  I have never encountered such a positive and helpful approach.  I would highly recommend Chris to anyone looking for help in any area of their life. ”

– E.K., New Haven, CT

“Thank you for your wonderful coaching. You helped me to both realize and actualize what I need to be doing with my life.”
– M.T., Chester, OH

“Chris cuts to the core of the issue quickly, skillfully and with great humor. Her ability to slice through story to base issues always surprises me – not because of the speed with which she can do it (remarkably fast), but the astonishing accuracy with which she pinpoints something that’s over HERE that I thought was over THERE. And she’s always been spot on. My life has blossomed as a result of her capacity to listen, zone in and reflect. Go Chris!”
– L.H., Richmond, CA

“I hired Chris at the beginning of this year to help me tackle some obstacles I was facing with my business. All I can say is, “Wow!” During just one session she helped pave the way with her targeted questions, brilliant insight & results driven approach. For anyone looking to work with a coach, choose Chris. She’ll help get you where you want & need to go!”
– A.H., Westport, CT

“Christina has been helping me with some business and personal challenges. To name two: relinquishing control means allowing an expert to step in and do a better job than I ever could and she is teaching me how to prioritize all the many aspects of being a sole practitioner. I highly recommend her as a life coach.”
– M.T., Stamford, CT

“My work with Chris has been fabulous. Her warmth, insight and communications skills helped me to learn more about myself, my goals and aspirations. Over the course of a year, Chris helped me to get unstuck, recognize the constraints I was putting on myself and realize what I could become rather than what I should become. She’s terrific.”
– C.W., Darien, CT

“With Christina Brandt as a life coach, your journey meanders though the twists and turns of ordinary life straight into the golden gates of self-authenticity. Chris has a gift of peeling the layers of a shallow self-presentation in order to facilitate her client’s excavation of personal truth. When needed, she can be as gentle as a butterfly moving from blossom to blossom. Yet when necessary, she becomes strength and courage personified if a client gets stuck in an overwhelming meltdown. When I began working with Chris, I thought I had an idea of a highest and best destination. I smile now looking back at that particular life plan. You see, after my sessions with Chris, I have evolved into a confident woman who finally embodies her own healthy self-esteem. What a blessing to now be able to embrace healthy choices, wake up happy and enthusiastic, and at the end of the day feel confident with what I have accomplished. Thank you, Christina Brandt, for assisting me into evolving beyond anything I could ever dream.”
– P.M., Marietta, GA

“Simply put, Chris is amazing.  No matter what issue I brought to the table, she quickly got to the heart of it.  I found her coaching style to be warm and compassionate, yet direct and practical…with just the right amount of humor to keep me on my toes.  Not only did I reach my goals, but came away with a renewed joy for life.  I am ever grateful to Chris for her guidance and highly recommend her to anyone ready to make significant changes.”
– B.B., Pasadena, CA

“They don’t call (her) a master coach for nuthin’!”
– E.T., Bothell, WA

“Chris’s inspiration and authenticity has helped me keep focused on what I need to do to be true to myself. I can honestly say that she helped me see new ways to look at everyday interactions, and how to believe in myself as I start a new life transition…Through our sessions, I’ve been able to lower my stress level both at home and at work so that I can get to my vision of a great life. After our dialogues, I always walked away with a thought and plan to accomplish the newly understood opportunity. I will always have her number on speed dial!”
– B.M., Fairport, NY

“Chris Brandt, with her calming, centered influence, helped me successfully navigate a major identity freak-out. Because of her coaching, I am landing a huge business deal that is the fulfillment of many, many years’ work. Chris’ listening kept me believing in myself when the ego was working overtime to steal my win. I have great respect for her coaching abilities.”
– N.C., Costa Rica

“I completely enjoyed working with Chris. I am so grateful for the help in deep listening to my essential self and permission to play. She really helped me to get some wiggle room around beliefs that were causing pain and suffering.”
– M.M., Ashland, OR

“After a long and disorienting course of graduate study, it was really important to me to pause and figure out what I wanted from my life and career. Using a good balance of intellectual and intuitive methods, Chris hepled me visualize what I really wanted to do next, rather than what I thought I should do next. She helped me use my head and my heart in concert. She also helped me visualize and start taking the steps necessary to move toward my real career and life goals. Her style was to motivate me without adding too much or too little pressure. By believing in what I wanted, she helped me learn to believe in my dreams. My coaching experience with Chris has left me with a sense of well-being and confidence about my path.”
– C.S., Denver, CO

“Chris taught me that it’s possible (and even more advantageous! hallelujah!) to showcase more of who you are rather than all of what you do in your resume. She put an entirely new spin on the seemingly boring jobs I’ve had and what I brought to the table when I had those jobs. I mindblowing-ly came to realize that not only had I contributed more than I thought, but I was much more interesting, innovative and valuable than I ever would have recognized on my own.”
–K.B., New York, NY

“My children were all in college, and the husband was working more than ever. It was a perfect time to return to me. I knew I wanted to find a reason to wake up every day, excited and motivated. What would you say if someone said to you, “What excites you, and makes you happy?” Well, the list went on, and it was fun just talking about it with Christina. I now know what I want to do, and I consider it my journey. It will take some time, but I have my coach there to listen and break the thoughts down. Christina has an incredible intuition. She sees the true essence of why I hit a road block, or a bump in the road. I remind myself, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’  When I do launch my product, she will be a big part of my success. There’s no doubt, I will succeed.”
– K.C., Fairfield, CT

“Chris has been a joy to work with. Her talent and enthusiasm created a safe environment for me. As a result, I was catapulted to the next leg of my journey as an entrepreneur. She is intuitive and gave solid responses that empowered me to move through each challenge. She encouraged me to steer my ship toward the light I sought. Finally as I rested my boat on the shore, we were able to laugh through some great stories. It has been wonderful working with Chris. I am pleased to have her on my team. If you are looking to make some positive change in your life, I highly recommend her.”
– D.C., Norwalk, CT

“Christina is a deep, insightful coach, always opening your eyes to new perspectives and challenges. I loved working with her…I always walked away from a session pondering new information and jazzed about taking my next steps. If you’re looking for a coach that will lead you to your passion, Christina is perfect for you.”
– H.B., Chicago, IL

“Christina has a rare balance of pragmatism and humanity that made me feel comfortable working with her from the start. She is a capable professional who truly cares about her client. In my work with Christina she displayed wisdom and compassion and seemed to know exactly what I needed at the time.”
– V.F., San Diego, CA

“Working with Chris is great – I always leave our sessions feeling excited about the possibilities in my life and energized to do what I need to do to make it happen! Her years in human resources and her educational background in personal development give Chris a great depth of skills and experience. I truly value what she has to offer, and I highly recommend Chris as a coach.”
– K.D., New York, NY

“The depth of Christina’s corporate and human resources background is extensive and gives her an incredible edge at understanding interpersonal dynamics and behavior. Coupled with her incredible warmth, exceptional listening ability and natural and caring approach, she clearly stands out above other coaches.  I would highly endorse any company or individual to work with Christina …. you will receive a wonderful experience.”
–D.M., Indianapolis, IN

“Christina provided me with invaluable input to my process in a career change. Her engaging demeanor and challenging, but proactive coaching, gave me the impetus to move forward toward my goals.”
– R.C., Rocky Hill, CT

“Before my coaching sessions with Chris, I felt like my head was in a vice. Torn between the entrepreneurial world and the corporate world, I needed somebody calm (which Chris most definitely is) to get me to separate the wheat from the chaff…the facts from the emotions…and that’s exactly what she did. Going through this process with Chris helped me immensely. It not only helped me develop complete clarity around what I want professionally, but brought a calmness to my mind, heart and soul that I hadn’t felt in a while.”
– A.B., Westport, CT

“Life Coaching is such an awesome way to keep you on track, focused and accountable. Its such a valuable experience to work with someone like Chris who can motivate and inspire you to want to do more and realize your goals. She has been monumental in helping me with my career transition. She has been there for me during a difficult time in my life but has taught me how to look at it as an adventurous journey. We have really worked together in putting together my job search campaign. Wherever my destiny takes me, the journey with Chris has been great.”
–L.M., Dumont, NJ

“Chris’s style is open, nurturing, caring, organized and process driven. She is very bright, knowledgeable, and non-judgmental. Chris gave me insight to my self and directed me to the path of self discovery by helping me deal with a block that I had been holding onto since grammar school. Her coaching techniques helped me identify, heal and work through this emotional block. She instinctively knew what questions to ask and how to bring my thoughts and concepts to a conclusion. It was a joy to be able to share and see the process unfold with Chris.”
– R.V., San Francisco, CA

“Over time, one acquires avoidance skills, excuse proficiencies. However, also over time, one begins to recognize these skills as tricks that block self fulfillment. As someone with these skills, I had no idea how to break my habit, to learn new techniques for self fulfillment. Fortunately I met Chris. Telling her what was going on in my life was surprisingly easy because I didn’t feel judged or discredited for any of my behaviors. From the beginning, Chris has created an environment of support, encouragement, and accountability. Through questions, observations, homework exercises, goal setting, practice, and prodding, Chris taught me to recognize these behaviors, to define what I wanted to accomplish, and to establish new habits that continually propel me toward my goal.”
– S.R., Southbury, CT