\ Honoring Your Spirit | Christina Brandt

Christina Brandt

Saturday, February 15th, 2025 | Making "What's Next?" What Matters ™

Honoring Your Spirit

At this time of year, when everyone’s thinking about holidays and business slows down a bit, I get busy catching up on my reading, research, writing, and planning.  I recently listened to an interview with Caroline Myss.

During the interview, Caroline said:  “I tell my students (to) take the riskiest path you can find.  What looks like safety is an illusion.  What looks like risk is an illusion.  Carry no extraneous baggage.  Forgive everyone you can think of.  Pray daily.  Just manage your spirit with integrity and keep your honor code between you and God.  These are the things that matter in life – the management of your spirit, with honor.

I love this excerpt because much of my work involves helping clients find their spirit again, and then creating both personal and professional lives that honor it.

Over the past year or so I’ve written a fair amount about extraneous baggage (clutter, people, thoughts, weight…) and ways to find purpose, but less about the role of forgiveness, prayer, integrity, and honor in “managing your spirit,” as Caroline puts it.  I’ll remedy that in the new year, I suspect, with blog posts, newsletter articles and events.

For now, though, I’m just going to hunker down and invest some time in myself and my own spirit.  I hope you will, too, during these final days of the year.  I wish you a peaceful holiday season.

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